Media Release by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Pensioners Better Off

Pensioners are far better off under the Coalition Government’s policies, illustrated clearly in a graph presented by the Prime Minister during question time today.

The graph, which compares the effect of Howard-Anderson Government policies on pensions to previous Labor Government policy, shows pensioners will be $22.61 better off as of March 20.

By indexing pensions to the Male Total Average Weekly Earnings, providing GST compensation to pensioners and continuing CPI indexation, pensions have risen to $402 (the graph’s dark blue line).

It contrasts sharply with Labor’s record in Government when there was no compensation for pensioners when Wholesale Sales Taxes were increased.

Under Labor (the graph’s red line) pensioners would only have been entitled to CPI indexation, leaving them behind with $379.39 a fortnight.

It also shows that pensioners have received $30 a fortnight in increases since July last year.

This debunks Labor’s lies of pensioners being worse off under the Coalition’s policies.

Change in Single Basic Pension Rate