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Media Release by The Hon Julie Bishop MP

More support for Indigenous carers

Indigenous carers in Victoria will be the first to benefit from new guidelines designed to provide further support and advice for Indigenous-specific caring roles.

Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women’s Issues, the Hon Julie Bishop MP, today said the Guidelines for delivery of culturally sensitive and flexible counselling for Indigenous carers, produced by Carers Victoria and the Australian Government, would support the efforts of Indigenous carers across the country.

“Few Indigenous people identify themselves as carers, however many have significant care responsibilities,” Minister Bishop said.

“Often they care for three or four generations of family members.

“These guidelines will enable Carer Resource Centres to better support Indigenous women and men with caring responsibilities inculturally appropriate ways.

“It will also assist counsellors when working with Indigenous carers, to provide relevant information and advice through a rangeof services and support, including family therapy, narrative therapy and art therapy.

“The contribution of carers in this country is invaluable, and the Australian Government continues to deliver initiatives whichsupport carers and the people in their care.

“I commend Carers Victoria on these guidelines which cater for the needs of Indigenous carers in communities throughoutAustralia,” Minister Bishop said.

The Australian Government provided $30,000 in funding to develop these guidelines under the Office for Women’s Leadership and Development Programme, which aims to build women’s participation in all parts of Australian life.

Copies of Guidelines for delivery of culturally sensitive and flexible counselling for Indigenous carers will be available through the Carers Victoria websiteand the National Network of Carers Association.