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Media Release by The Hon Julie Bishop MP

First National Symposium on Women in Science and Engineering

The Hon Julie Bishop MP, Minister for Education, Science and Training and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women’s Issues, today hosted 100 women and girls at the first Women in Science and Engineering Symposium at Parliament House.

“This Symposium brings together more than 50 of our leading female scientists, engineers and researchers, and 50 young female students from across Australia who have an interest in a science-based career,” Minister Bishop said.

“Each of these inspirational women nominated a female student from Years 7–10 to participate in the Symposium, and will be encouraged to develop a mentoring role with the students.

“Women continue to be under-represented in critical fields related to maths and science. This innovative event provides a forum to encourage girls to pursue higher level science studies and science careers.

“Symposium participants will hear from women who have made significant achievements in science and engineering.”

Minister Bishop said today’s students need strong skills in maths and science to succeed in fields like computer programming and bioengineering, and wider fields including business, advertising and management.

“Students studying maths and science learn problem-solving skills that are valuable in many aspects of life and work.”

“Bringing female scientists and students together is one of the ways that we can enthuse the next generation of scientists, engineers and researchers.

“Our country cannot afford to lose half our potential scientists and innovators,” Minister Bishop said.