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Media Release by The Hon Julie Bishop MP

Increased funding to reduce violence against women

The Howard Government has committed $1.97 million in 2007-08 towards projects aimed at reducing the incidence of domestic and family violence and sexual assault in the Australian community, through the Domestic and Family Violence and Sexual Assault Funding Initiative.

The Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women’s Issues, the Hon Julie Bishop MP, today announced funding to 17 organisations which will undertake a range of community based projects to address this serious issue.

“Funding is provided for projects that increase available information, provide new resources, and or demonstrate new approaches in relation to domestic and family violence and sexual assault,” Minister Bishop said.

“Funding of between $25,000 and $250,000 has been provided to projects which will develop new and effective responses to domestic and family violence and sexual assault.

“Many of the projects are directed towards addressing violence and/or sexual assault experienced by women and children from Indigenous communities, non-English speaking backgrounds, rural and remote areas and women with disability and their children,” Minister Bishop said.

The Howard Government is taking a lead role in the elimination of violence and sexual assault against women, with $75.7 million committed over four years from 2005 for the Women’s Safety Agenda.

A full list of the funded projects is attached.

**The projects will be undertaken from July 2007-08 and will be completed within 12 months.
Organisation Project Name
Women’s Health Care Association Peer Support for Women in CALD Communities
Centre Against Sexual Assault Loddon Campaspe Region Inc. Bidja’s Place
JewishCare Opening Closed Doors – Addressing Domestic and Family Violence in the Jewish Community
Women’s Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services (WA) Inc. HURT
The Salvation Army Australian Southern Territory Social Work Strengthening Violence Intervention in South Australia
Migrant Information Centre (Eastern Melbourne) Culturally Appropriate Service Responses for the Prevention and Treatment of Family Violence in Southern Sudanese Families
The Salvation Army (Tasmania) Property Trust Safe from the Start
Redcliffe Neighbourhood Centre Association Inc. Strengths Inside Yourself: A Healthy Relationships Program
Inner South Community Health Service Inc. It All Starts At Home
North Australian Aboriginal Family Violence Legal Service Community Wellbeing, Family Safety and Caring for Children
Upper Hume Community Health Service Inc. I’m So Accident Prone (ISAP)
Centacare Diocese of Wilcannia- Forbes Finding Self
Albury Wodonga Women’s Refuge Inc. Reach Out
Family Planning Victoria Inc. Sexual Assault service for people with an Intellectual Disability (SAID)
Macarthur Diversity Services Inc. Domestic Violence Project for CALD Women
Bethany Community Support Inc. Healing Families
Doncare: Doncaster Community Care and Counselling Centre Inc. Doncare Angels for Women’s Network (DAWN Project)