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Media Release by The Hon Julie Bishop MP

Final call: $400,000 to encourage women into sports leadership

The Federal Minister for the Arts and Sport, Senator Rod Kemp and the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women’s Issues, Julie Bishop are encouraging women from across all levels of Australian sport to apply for a share of $400,000 to pursue sports leadership opportunities.

This is the final call for applications under the 2006/07 Sport Leadership Grants for Women programme which closes on 15 September.

The Australian Government through the Australian Sports Commission and the Office for Women is creating opportunities for women to further professional development and leadership opportunities in coaching, officiating, governance and management.

Senator Kemp said the grants scheme in its fifth year recognises that Australian sport stands to benefit from a greater number of women in leadership and decision-making roles.

‘The grants scheme provides chances for women to pursue accredited training in key areas of Australian sport including high performance coaching, officiating and management, key areas where women tend to be under-represented.’

‘Successful grant recipients will serve as important role models to inspire other women to make their make in Australian sport.’

Minister Bishop said, ‘Over the last four years more than 11,000 women from across Australia have benefited from grants worth more than $1.2 million, to develop women’s sport leadership skills and training.’

‘A number of success stories from the grants scheme reflect the depth and diversity of the Australian sporting experience. Recipients come from all fields and aspects of sport, including office bearers, coaches and volunteers.’

The Australian Government remains committed to improving the involvement of women across all levels of Australian sport through its policy: Building Australian Communities Through Sport.

Grants are available in five key areas: high performance coaching and officiating; Indigenous women in rural and remote communities; women in disability sport; women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and women in general sport leadership.

Funding of up to $5,000 is available to successful individual applicants and up to $10,000 for approved organisations.

For more details about Sport Leadership Grants and Scholarships for Women