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Media Release by Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens

Bendigo joins the Golden Gurus community

Senator Ursula Stephens, today visited the Bendigo Volunteer Resource Centre to welcome them into the Golden Gurus community.

Senator Stephens said that Golden Gurus, an Australia 2020 Summit initiative, brings together a diverse range of quality organisations to link the expertise of mature age mentors with community organisations or start-up businesses.

“The Bendigo Volunteer Resource Centre is a vital link between the community and organisations which rely on volunteers.

“Now, as part of the Golden Gurus community, it will receive support in connecting mature-age people with skilled volunteering roles and be recognised as a quality provider of this service.

“Bendigo Volunteer Resource Centre will also have the opportunity to apply for grants of up to $10 000 as part of the Australian Government’s Productive Ageing Package,” Senator Stephens said.

Bendigo Volunteer Resource Centre and 31 other member organisations are connecting mature aged volunteers with mentoring opportunities, as part of the Australian Government’s 2020 Summit Golden Gurus initiative.

Golden Gurus organisations are offered free training for their Golden Gurus, certificates of appreciation, access to an online networking forum, and national promotion of their organisation and the achievements of their volunteers.

Organisations delivering the Golden Gurus program will be able to apply for funding of up to $10 000 from 1 July 2010 to help them prepare mature-age mentors for voluntary roles.

To find out more about becoming a member organisation contact the Program Manager for Golden Gurus on 02 6121 6315 or via email , or on the DEEWR website.