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Media Release by Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens

Lions Australia signs National Compact

Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector, Senator Ursula Stephens, today welcomed Lions Australia’s support for the National Compact: working together.

Rob Oerlemans, Executive Officer of Lions Australia, signed the compact at Parliament House today witnessed by the Parliamentary Secretary.

Senator Stephens congratulated Lions Australia on becoming a Compact Partner.

“Lions Australia and its 27,000 members make an enormous contribution to towns and communities across Australia, as well as internationally, through their service and fundraising efforts,” Senator Stephens said.

“The Compact recognises the vital contribution of not-for-profit organisations, such as Lions Australia, especially in supporting the most vulnerable in our society.

“It provides opportunities for the Government and Third Sector organisations to work together to tackle key social, environmental and economic challenges.”

Since the National Compact was launched in March this year, more than 250 not-for-profit organisations have signed up as Compact Partners and the number continues to grow.

For more information about the National Compact.

The Lions Club International Convention will be held in Sydney next week, attracting more than 1000 Australian Lions members and members from over 100 countries worldwide. More information about Lions Australia.