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Media Release by Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens

Peninsula Pals collaborating to support the community

Senator Ursula Stephens, today congratulated the Peninsula Pals on their successful collaboration to raise money for community projects.

Speaking at the Peninsula Pals charity fundraising event at Kirribilli House, Senator Stephens said that the Peninsula Pals are a wonderful example of what cooperation, partnership and acting in an inclusive way can achieve.

“As noted in our Social Inclusion Statement, A Stronger, Fairer Australia, building and working in partnerships is essential to overcoming disadvantage and ensuring every Australian has a fair go.

“The Peninsula Pals are a fabulous example of this kind of collaborative work in action,” Senator Stephens said.

The Peninsula Pals comprise three charitable organisations – Peer Support Australia, Sunnyside and Bear Cottage – that work together to raise money for deserving groups in their local community.

Senator Stephens also recognised the invaluable contribution of the organisations’ volunteers.

“None of these organisations could continue their valuable work without their volunteers.

“The government recognises the enormous contribution of all of our volunteers and we are developing a national volunteering vision and framework to support all those everyday Australians who make an extraordinary contribution through their volunteering.”

For more information about the government’s Social Inclusion Agenda or work on a national volunteering vision, go to