Community Response Task Force Meeting
The first meeting of the Community Response Task Force was held today in Melbourne, providing the non-profit sector with an opportunity to discuss the impact of the Global Financial Crisis on vulnerable Australians with the Rudd Government.The Community Response Task Force has been established to ensure the Rudd Government has first hand knowledge of what is happening on the ground in our community, particularly in disadvantaged households.
The recent period has demonstrated the need for the Government and the non-profit sector to work together to make sure Australians affected by the Global Financial Crisis get the support and assistance they need.
The , Jenny Macklin and the , Senator Ursula Stephens today met with the membership of the Community Response Task Force, which includes:
- Patricia Faulkner Australian Social Inclusion Board
- David Cappo Australian Social Inclusion Board
- Lin Hatfield Dodds Uniting Care
- Clare Martin ACOSS
- Kasy Chambers Anglicare
- Frank Quinlan Catholic Social Services
- David Eldridge Salvation Army
- Robert Tickner Red Cross
- John Falzon St Vincent de Paul Society
- David Thompson Jobs Australia
- Sue-Anne Wallace Fund Raising Institute of Australia
- David Crosbie Mental Health Council of Australia
- Toby Hall Mission Australia
- Voula Messimeri Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia
- Marian Gaynor Australian Council of Trade Unions
The meeting was an opportunity for the Government to outline the decisive steps taken to assist redundant workers and their families, support jobs by investing in infrastructure and training and support the work of the non-profit sector, including through an increase in the amount of Emergency Relief funding.
Church groups, charities and other non-profit organisations are already dealing with the fallout from the Global Financial Crisis. They recognise the importance of ensuring unemployed people especially young people maintain a connection to the labour market through education and training training.
These are difficult times for all Australians but by working together we will emerge from the Global Financial Crisis a stronger and even more resilient nation.