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Media Release by The Hon Mal Brough MP

Better access to respite services for older carers

Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Mal Brough, today announced the successful non-government organisations which will deliver services under the $51 million New Respite for Older Carers of Children with Disabilities Program.

Mr Brough said the three year funding would provide better access to respite services for more than 2,600 older carers of children with disability.

“We had an excellent response to our call for applications and I am pleased to announce that 135 proposals from 69 different organisations across Australia were successful,” Mr Brough said.

The Howard Government values and recognises the vital role that carers play in our society and, since coming to office, has provided a significant boost to funding support for carers.

“Today’s announcement forms an integral part of the landmark $1.8 billion Disability Assistance Package announced on 28 June 2007.

“In that package $962 million was provided over five years to give practical support and peace of mind for older carers and their families.

“Many of these older carers have been caring for a son or daughter with a profound or severe disability for many years, and are now ageing themselves. They have expressed concern about what will happen to their children when they are no longer able to provide care and the Howard Government will continue to assist these people.

“The funding for respite services will be used to support delivery of the Respite for Older Carers of Children with a Disability Program, which addresses the needs of older carers with adult children with disability who they are caring for.

“Successful applicants will cover 52 Health and Community Care Regions of Australia. Existing respite providers will also be directly approached to provide services where there are gaps in services in particular areas.

“This funding will create additional in-home and centre-based respite services, including both planned and emergency support situations, to further support older parent carers to continue their caring role.

“Carers need to be able to sustain their ongoing care responsibilities and take a short term break from their caring role, and need support to find time and space to focus on other commitments or personal needs.

“This new funding will certainly go a long way towards improving access to respite services for carers in different regions across Australia.

“The Howard Government will continue to support carers of dependant people at home, and we will tailor this support to meet the needs of care recipients and their families.

“The Government has also provided a substantial amount in direct payments to carers including bonuses of more than $2.7 billion in 2006-07 and a doubling of Carer Payment and Carer Allowance recipients since 2000,” Mr Brough said.

In recognition of the difficulties experienced by people who provide care at home to dependent family members and friends, the Government has greatly increased the level of assistance available to carers. For example, funding for the National Respite for Carers Program has been increased from $19 million in 1996-97 to an estimated $185 million in 2007-08. This additional funding has enabled the expansion of services to assist carers.

The Howard Government has also directed a growing level of funding towards the availability of respite in aged care homes. The funding enables Commonwealth Carer Respite Centres to directly reserve and purchase additional residential respite places on behalf of carers. Centres are able to use innovative and flexible approaches to assist carers with high needs, and those for whom they care, to find appropriate residential respite options.

Support for carers also includes $112 million in 2006-07 in subsidies for residential respite bed days in aged care homes. Just over 1,000,000 bed days annually are used for respite stays in aged care homes.

All of these initiatives are examples of the Howard Government’s support for carers and its recognition of the enormous responsibility that carers in our society have to bear.

The Respite for Older Carers of Children with a Disability Program supports parents aged 60 years and over, and their children aged 25 years and over.

Successful applicants under the Respite for Older Carers of Children with Disability Program

HACC Region Legal Name
Central Coast (NSW) The Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church of the Diocese of Broken Bay
Central Coast Alternative Care Group Ltd
Central West (NSW) The Uniting Church In Australia Property Trust NSW
The Spastic Centre of NSW
Cumberland / Prospect (NSW) The Northcott Society
The Wheelchair & Disabled Association of Australia
McCall Gardens Community LTD
Australian Foundation for Disability
Flintwood Disability Services Inc.
Far North Coast (NSW) The Northcott Society
Lismore Challenge Limited
Tweed Valley Respite Service Inc
Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church Diocese of Lismore
Hunter (NSW) The Wheelchair & Disabled Association of Australia
The Spastic Centre of NSW
Hunter Integrated Care Inc
Illawarra (NSW) The Northcott Society
Illawarra Disability Trust
Greenacres Disability Services
Inner West (NSW) Family Resource and Network Support Incorporated
The Wheelchair & Disabled Association of Australia
The Ella Community Centre Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (NSW)
Mid North Coast (NSW) Hunter Integrated Care
The Northcott Society
The Wheelchair & Disabled Association of Australia
Kempsey Respite Services Incorporated
Nepean (NSW) The Northcott Society
The Wheelchair & Disabled Association of Australia
New England (NSW) The Northcott Society
Hunter Integrated Care Inc
Northern Sydney (NSW) The Wheelchair & Disabled Association of Australia
The Spastic Centre of NSW
The Lorna Hodgkinson Sunshine Home
Orana / Far West (NSW) The Westhaven Association
Riverina / Murray (NSW) The Northcott Society
Skills Innovative Training Enterprise Incorporated
Ningana Enterprises Inc
South East Sydney (NSW) The Wheelchair & Disabled Association of Australia
Civic Disability Services Ltd
South West Sydney (NSW) The Northcott Society
Illawarra Disability Trust
The Wheelchair & Disabled Association of Australia
The Spastic Centre of NSW
Creating Links Cooperative Ltd.
The Junction Works Inc
Southern Highlands (NSW) The Northcott Society
Barwon / South West (VIC) Karingal Inc.
Gateways Support Services Inc
Mpower Inc.
Kyeema Centre Inc.
Eastern Metro (VIC) Eastern Access Community Health Inc
EW Tipping Foundation Inc
annecto Inc.
Disability Attendant Support Service Incorporated
Care Connect Limited
Wesley Mission Melbourne
Gipps-land (VIC) EW Tipping Foundation Inc
Scope (Vic) Ltd
Grampians (VIC) EW Tipping Foundation Inc
Hume (VIC) Rumbalara Aboriginal Cooperative Ltd
Skills Innovative Training Enterprise Incorporated
Loddon / Mallee (VIC) Community Living and Respite Services Inc
EW Tipping Foundation Inc
annecto Inc.
North West (VIC) Action on Disability within Ethnic Communities Inc
Care Connect Limited
annecto Inc.
Disability Attendant Support Service Incorporated
Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre
Northern Support Services for People with Disabilities Inc
Melbourne Citymission Incorporated
Scope (Vic) Ltd
Southern Metro (VIC) Jewish Care (Victoria) Inc
Options Victoria Inc
EW Tipping Foundation Inc
Disability Attendant Support Service Incorporated
Wesley Mission Melbourne
Care Connect Limited
Brotherhood of St. Laurence
Central (QLD) Endeavour Foundation
Darling Downs / South West (QLD) Life Without Barriers (LWB)
The Corporation of the Synod of the Diocese of Brisbane
North Brisbane (QLD) The Wheelchair & Disabled Association of Australia
Life Without Barriers (LWB)
The Corporation of the Trustees of the Congregation of Sisters of Mercy in Queensland
Endeavour Foundation
Northern (QLD) Presbyterian Church of Queensland T/A PresCare
Cootharinga Society of North Queensland
Life Without Barriers (LWB)
South Brisbane (QLD) Life Without Barriers (LWB)
The Corporation of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane
West Moreton / South Coast (QLD) Presbyterian Church of Queensland T/A PresCare
Ability Care Limited
The Wheelchair & Disabled Association of Australia
The Corporation of the Synod of the Diocese of Brisbane
Life Without Barriers (LWB)
The Corporation of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane
North West Country (SA) Life Without Barriers (LWB)
Country North Community Services Inc.
North West Metro (SA) Helping Hand Aged Care Inc
Aged Care and Housing Group Inc
Life Without Barriers (LWB)
Anglicare SA Incorporated
Community Support Incorporated
South East Country (SA) Aged Care and Housing Group Inc
Community Living and Support Service Inc
Life Without Barriers (LWB)
South East Metro (SA) Masonic Homes Incorporated
Aged Care and Housing Group Inc
Life Without Barriers (LWB)
Anglicare SA Incorporated
East Metropolitan (WA) Perth Home Care Services, Inc.
Life Without Barriers (LWB)
Goldfields (WA) Activ Foundation Inc
Great Southern (WA) Activ Foundation Inc
Kimberley (WA) West Kimberley Family Support Association Inc
Midwest (WA) Perth Home Care Services, Inc.
North Metropolitan (WA) Life Without Barriers (LWB)
Perth Home Care Services
South East Metropolitan (WA) Life Without Barriers (LWB)
Perth Home Care Services, Inc.
South West (WA) Life Without Barriers (LWB)
South West Metropolitan (WA) Life Without Barriers (LWB)
Mandurah Retirement Villiage Inc
Wheatbelt (WA) Perth Home Care Services, Inc
North Western (Tas) Anglicare Tasmania Inc
Northern (Tas) Anglicare Tasmania Inc
Southern (Tas) Anglicare Tasmania Inc
Life Without Barriers (LWB)
Central Australia (NT) Life Without Barriers (LWB)
Top End (NT) Life Without Barriers (LWB)
ACT Koomarri
Roman Catholic Church for the Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn as Trustees for Centrecare