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Media Release by The Hon Mal Brough MP

Labor to scrap Child Care Tax Rebate

“It seems a Federal Labor Government would scrap the Childe Care Tax Rebate,” Minister for Families and Community Services, Mal Brough, said today.

“Labor’s spokeswoman, Jenny Macklin, has today totally ignored the impact of Child Care Tax Rebate (CCTR,) when making false claims about the cost of child care in La Trobe, in Melbourne.

“In her statement, she says her figures are based on Child Care Benefit, with no mention of CCTR.

“This is now a firm pattern with Ms Macklin in her statements about child care. In her calculations she makes it clear that Labor has no intention of using CCTR.

“CCTR provides working families 30 per cent of their out of pocket child care expenses, up to a maximum of more than $4,000 dollars.

“For many families, particularly working mums, it is the difference between being able to use child care to return to work or staying at home.

“Only one conclusion can be drawn from Ms Macklin’s constant refusal to include CCTR in her calculations.

“Labor plans to scrap it.

“Such a move would devastate the hundreds of thousands of working families to whom the benefit is vital.”