Media Release by The Hon Mal Brough MP

Government calls for entrants in Writer’s Prize

Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Mal Brough, today urged young people to enter the Social Responsibility Writer’s Prize, with $12,000 in prizes on offer.

"An initiative of the 2007 Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership, the Social Responsibility Writer’s Prize encourages secondary school and tertiary students to join the debate around the role of businesses in society," Mr Brough said.

"The competition gives young people a voice on issues such as corporate social responsibility.

"The winner of each category will receive $2,000 in prize money for themselves and $3,000 for their school or university, with the second and third prize winners receiving $600 and $400 respectively.

"The competition promotes creative and innovative thinking on ways that community and businesses may work together to address social issues.

"School students choose from three questions and have a 750-1000 word limit to write a creative writing piece, a job advertisement or letter, while tertiary entrants have the choice of two questions and a 2000 word limit.

"The Secondary School competition is aimed at years 10 -12 but previous winners have included a Year 8 student (3rd prize 2004) and a Year 7 student (2nd prize 2005).

"Finalists will be invited to an expenses-paid awards ceremony to be held later in the year, with the winning entries published in a commemorative booklet and on the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership website.

"Young people have until Friday 3rd August 2007 to get their entries in, for all the details about how to enter go to The Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership website, or to order entry kits, posters or postcards call 1800 050 009," Mr Brough said.