Media Release by Senator the Hon Amanda Vanstone

Eliminating Violence Against Women – White Ribbon Day

Each year on 25 November, Australia marks an important day along with the rest of the world—the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – also known as White Ribbon Day.

Australians can today show their support for this important cause by wearing a White Ribbon.

On 17 December 1999 the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution designating 25 November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (IDEVAW). This resolution was supported by Australia.

The White Ribbon Campaign is designed to encourage individuals, governments and community groups to support activities to raise public awareness of violence against women.

Crime against women, including domestic violence and sexual assault, still happens too often and White Ribbon Day represents an opportunity for all Australians to take a stand against it.

White Ribbon Day provides us with a reminder that violence exists in our community and that we all need to play a role in ensuring that it is prevented and, ultimately, eliminated.