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Media Release by The Hon John Cobb MP

Labor out of touch on youth leadership

Claims by Labor spokesperson Tania Plibersek that the Australian Government is undermining youth organisations by merging the National Indigenous Youth Leadership Group with the National Youth Roundtable are deliberately misleading and wrong, Minister for Community Services, John Cobb, said today.

‘The consolidation of the National Youth Indigenous Leadership Group, with the National Youth Roundtable, provides young Australians from all backgrounds with an opportunity to work together to share ideas and to express their views to the Government,’ Mr Cobb said.

‘The merging of these two groups will allow for greater awareness across the community on issues that affect Indigenous and non-Indigenous alike and will result in the mutual exchange of ideas and problem solving.’

Mr Cobb reiterated the benefit of merging the two bodies and gave assurances regarding Indigenous representation.

‘The Coalition Government believes in building stronger relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. The merged group will give strength to, and empower young Indigenous Australians, and be a forum to build respect and understanding.

‘The National Youth Roundtable is the key youth consultative body for the Australian Government to understand and listen to the issues that are facing young people across the country.

‘Indigenous membership on the Roundtable will be safeguarded with significant representation,’ Mr Cobb said.

To find out information about applying for the National Youth Roundtable call 1800 624 309 (free call) or download an application form from The Source or email the National Youth Roundtable (