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Media Release by The Hon John Cobb MP

Minister visits Anglicare Tasmania

As part of a three day tour of Tasmania, the Minister for Community Services, John Cobb, who was accompanied by Mark Baker, Federal Member for Braddon, today visited Anglicare Tasmania, an organisation assisting young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Devonport.

‘It was great to see first hand the dedication of Anglicare Tasmania to young people, their families and the community and the much needed support they are delivering to those in need,’ Mr Cobb said.

‘For the past seven years, Anglicare Tasmania has been delivering a range of services including Transition to Independent Living Allowance, HOME Advice Program and Commonwealth Financial Counselling Program.

‘In addition to these services, Anglicare Tasmania received over $2.8 million in funding in 2005-06 for service provision to people vulnerable to homelessness under the Supported Accommodation Assistant Program (SAAP) Agreement, a joint Commonwealth/State Program

‘The Australian Government has committed $932 million to this five year Agreement, of which Tasmania will receive $39.4 million, to deliver crisis and transitional accommodation and support services to people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

‘This Agreement is about the delivery of services to people vulnerable to homelessness to help them to stabilise their circumstances so that they do not become homeless again.

‘The Australian Government will continue to support people in need, in particular our young people, which we couldn’t do without the help of agencies such as Anglicare Tasmania,’ Mr Cobb said.