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Media Release by The Hon Sussan Ley MP

Adelong Learning Centre to assist 40 families

More than 40 families from the Tumut Shire will benefit from over $70,000 in Howard Government funding for a new Long Day Care centre in Adelong.

The Parliamentary Secretary for Children and Youth Affairs, the Hon Sussan Ley, today officially opened the Scribbly Gum Early Learning Centre, providing local families with access to quality child care.

“The Scribbly Gum Early Learning Centre is approved for 29 Long Day Care places, with five places available for children under two years of age, and the remaining places available for children who are over two-years-old,” Mrs Ley said.

“The Centre, which is eligible for Child Care Benefit, is currently being attended by up to 21 children a day in permanent placements.

“It recently received a one off payment of $25 000 in commencement funding to assist operators with the cost of recruiting staff and the purchase of equipment.

“The Centre will also receive $51 000 over the next two years as an incentive to maintain services for children under the age of two.

“More than $280 000 in additional funding could be available over the next two years to support the Centre’s viability while it builds its client base to a sustainable level.

“The Centre receives funding under the Long Day Care Centre Incentive Scheme, where providers are offered short-term financial incentives to establish new and viable centres where there is a high demand for child care places.

“The Scheme is part of the Government’s $490 million Stronger Families and Communities Strategy, providing Australian parents with a variety of child care solutions.

“This is just one example of the Howard Government’s continuing commitment to helping families meet their childcare needs, and supporting people in the community to manage their family, work and study commitments,” Mrs Ley said.