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Media Release by The Hon Sussan Ley MP

$1 million for youth services in Dubbo and Cobar/Bogan/Warren region

The Howard Government will deliver almost $1 million in funding for the continuation of two youth services in Dubbo and the Cobar/Bogan/Warren region as part of the national Reconnect programme.

The Parliamentary Secretary for Children and Youth Affairs, the Hon Sussan Ley, today announced the funding will help young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to reconnect with their families, communities, education, training and employment.

“UnitingCare Burnside will receive up to $480, 000 over two years to deliver much needed support within the Dubbo region including addressing the needs of Indigenous youth in the area,” Mrs Ley said.

“Barnados Australia will receive up to $500, 000 over two years to provide Reconnect Services in the Cobar/Bogan/Warren region, and will also focus its attention on Indigenous youth, as well as addressing the underlying issues of youth homelessness in the area.

“Both of these providers were selected because of their proven track record in dealing with young people and their families.

“Both service providers will develop strategies about how best to work together with Indigenous people and their families, as well as addressing other essential services in the region, including youth homelessness, counselling, family mediation and practical support.

“The Howard Government is committed to tackling youth homelessness in rural and regional areas throughout Australia,” Mrs Ley said.

The Howard Government is delivering ongoing funding of $20.6 million each year to fund 97 Reconnect services across Australia, providing early intervention support for young people who are either homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

Since 1999, Reconnect services have helped more than 40 000 young people and their families throughout Australia.