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Media Release by The Hon John Cobb MP

Improved support services for Tasmania’s homeless

People at risk of homelessness in Tasmania will soon have improved access to support services through a joint commitment by the Australian and Tasmanian Governments to deliver a pilot project to the state.

The Australian Government Minister for Community Services, John Cobb, and the Tasmanian Minister for Health and Human Services, Lara Giddings MHA, today announced $120 000 in funding over two years to the Early Identification, Referral Training and Information Package.

‘This pilot project, funded under the Australian Government’s Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP) Innovation and Investment Fund, will develop training packages for non-SAAP professionals, such as real estate agents and school social workers.

‘These packages will assist in identifying individuals and families in Tasmania at risk of homelessness and provide referrals to appropriate support services to those in need,’ Mr Cobb said.

‘The Australian Government is providing $2.114 million over five years to the SAAP Innovation and Investment Fund in Tasmania, to identify new ways of strengthening existing reform and good practice in the homelessness sector.’

‘The Tasmanian Government is working together with the Australian Government to strengthen the delivery of services for disadvantaged people in the state and will ensure these people have greater support and assistance within the community,’ Ms Giddings said.

‘Today’s announcement includes the development and production of the Package as well as training, which will be delivered on a regional basis across Tasmania, in Launceston, Hobart and Burnie.’

‘The delivery of this joint funding is further evidence of the Australian and Tasmanian Governments’ commitment to developing new and innovative ways to help individuals and families who are at risk of becoming homeless,’ Mr Cobb said.

The Innovation and Investment Fund is part of the SAAP V Agreement between the Australian Government and states and territories, which will deliver an estimated $1.82 billion over the life of the Agreement. The Australian Government will deliver $932 million over five years to SAAP V.