EOWA Review Consultation Report Now Online
The report of consultations on the review of the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 is now available online.
The report by KPMG shows that there is a high level of interest in the community about gender equality in Australian workplaces.
Over 130 submissions were received from businesses, unions, employers, employees, women’s groups and other interested parties.
Hundreds of reporting organisations and employees were surveyed and roundtables have been held at five locations across the country.
Participants in the review held strong opinions on a range of significant matters such as barriers to equal employment opportunity and ways to improve employment outcomes for women.
The Government has benefitted from the knowledge and experiences of those who made submissions.
As we move through the review process the Government is well placed to ensure that any recommendations for change are well-founded and credible.
The Government is now considering the submissions and will release its response in coming months.
The consultation report is available on the FaHCSIA website.