Media Release by The Hon Tanya Pibersek MP

Stimulus plan delivers jobs and affordable homes in Ballina

Joint Media Release with:

  • Janelle Saffin MP, Member for Page

Tanya Plibersek and Member for Page Janelle Saffin today inspected two projects that will deliver a total of 19 new affordable homes in Ballina.

Under the first project, Capital Insight has received $4.4 million in funding through the Stimulus Plan to build nine one bedroom and six two bedroom units.

The units, which are expected to be completed by July, have been designed specifically for seniors, incorporating features such as bathroom and toilet grab rails, detachable handheld showers, and wide corridors to accommodate wheelchairs.

Under the second project, North Coast Community Housing Company has received $1.1 million in funding through the Stimulus Plan to build four two bedroom units.

The new homes at both sites will have a six star energy efficiency rating and include building insulation, energy efficient glazing and lighting, shading and 2,000 litre water tanks.

The Rudd Government’s $36.2 million investment in the region will deliver 116 new homes in Ballina, Casino, Grafton and Lismore.

Construction is underway on 93 of these homes, with 12 homes already complete.

“The Rudd Government is taking practical steps through its Nation Building Economic Stimulus Plan to cushion the impact of the global recession by supporting jobs in the construction sector,” Ms Plibersek said.

“There is also the important social benefit of providing more affordable housing to people who need it the most, helping the Government meet its target to halve the rate of homelessness by 2020.”

Ms Saffin said the homes were located near parks, schools and Ballina District Hospital.

“It is terrific that the Rudd Government is making such a big investment in affordable housing in Ballina,” Ms Saffin said.

“These projects will deliver 19 new units in an area where affordable housing is greatly needed.”

The Rudd Government is investing $5.6 billion through the Nation Building Economic Stimulus Plan to deliver more than 19,300 social housing homes across Australia.