Media Release by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

NDIS watchdog delivering results and building trust

The Albanese Government’s significant investment in the National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission), more than doubling its workforce and fixing the phone and IT systems, is delivering results and building trust amongst the disability sector.

The NDIS Commission’s Quarterly Performance Report (1 July to 30 September 2024) revealed the Scheme’s watchdog delivered five times more compliance outcomes (2,583) than the previous quarter, including 1,689 refusal of registration and 248 revocation of registration activities for providers doing the wrong thing.

Importantly, 75% of complaints were made by NDIS participants and their supporters, indicating people with disability are growing in confidence to raise concerns about the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services with the NDIS Commission.
Issues related to provider practice remains the largest area of concern at around 40% (a 9% decrease on the previous quarter), followed by alleged abuse and neglect at 22%.

The NDIS Commission is strengthening the standard of providers permitted to work in the NDIS with a 19% increase in the number of people considered an unacceptable risk to people with disability and excluded from the NDIS workforce.

Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme the Hon. Bill Shorten MP said these outcomes are evidence of the NDIS Commission’s commitment to safeguard NDIS participants and protect their human rights.

“People with disability need to have a safe and trusted place where they can voice concerns and experiences on the Scheme, and know they’ll be addressed,” said Minister Shorten.

“The $142.6 million investment the Albanese Government made in the 2023-24 Budget has given the NDIS Commission the technology, people and powers it needs to keep people with disability out of harm’s way, and make sure providers and workers do the right thing.

“I’m pleased to see that Australians with disability are increasingly confidence in the ability of the NDIS Commission to address complaints and better support participants.”

The NDIS Commission’s quarterly report, which highlights its performance and regulatory operations, also shows it:

  • Increased the NDIS workforce to more than 1.1 million people nationally who are approved to deliver NDIS Services and supports.
  • Increased the number of behaviour support practitioners considered suitable to deliver behaviour support services by 7%.
  • Has registered close to 20,000 NDIS providers (19,985).

In addition, investment in a new cloud-based system for the ‘front door’ (contact centre) of the NDIS Commission has meant it has been able to help more people through more channels including:

  • A 30% increase in call volumes and a 100% increase in calls handled, with almost 30,000 calls received between 1 July and 30 September 2024.
  • More than 1,500 emails and 1,000 contacts each month through a new webchat channel.

The NDIS Commission Quarterly Report is published on the NDIS Commission website