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Media Release by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

New Medicare Urgent Care Clinic for Maribyrnong

Joint Media Release with:

  • Mark Butler MP
    Minister for Health and Aged Care

    Daniel Mulino MP
    Member for Fraser

    Bill Shorten MP
    Minister for the NDIS
    Minister for Government Services
    Member for Maribyrnong

The Albanese Government has delivered a Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (Medicare UCC) in Maribyrnong to give provide better access to high quality and free, bulk-billed health care.

The Maribyrnong Medicare UCC service, Edgewater Medical Centre on Edgewater Boulevard opened on Sunday, 1 September.

In the 2024-25 Budget, the Albanese Government provided $227 million to deliver 29 more Medicare Urgent Care Clinics program. This will take the total to 87 across the country.

Seven existing state-funded Priority Primary Care Centres in Victoria will transition to the Albanese Government’s Medicare Urgent Care Clinic network.

The Maribyrnong clinic will help reduce the number of people attending hospital emergency departments for urgent, but non-life threatening conditions, such as sprains, infections, rashes and cuts. More than a third of presentations to Footscray Hospital’s emergency department are for non-urgent and semi-urgent issues.

More than 40% of presentations to existing Urgent Care Clinics in Victoria have been outside standard business hours, which means the clinics are filling an important gap in services. One in four visits have involved patients aged 15 and younger.

The Maribyrnong Medicare Urgent Care Clinic, at G01B/31 Edgewater Boulevard, is open daily from 8am-10pm.

Quotes attributable to Minister Butler:

“As the Maribyrnong community continues to grow, so too does pressure on the local health services.

“The local Medicare Urgent Care Clinic will give residents and especially families with young children another option to get the urgent medical care they need quickly.

“Importantly, the clinic bulk bills, which means all patients need is their Medicare card, not their credit card.”

Quotes attributable to Dr Daniel Mulino MP:

“The Albanese Government has committed to strengthening Medicare and the new Medicare Urgent Care Clinic right here in Maribyrnong is proof of that commitment.

“This clinic will fill a gap for locals who need access to affordable health care without a lengthy wait in the hospital emergency room.”

Quotes attributable to Minister Shorten:

“The opening of the Maribyrnong Medical Urgent Care Clinic is a significant win for the local community. This new clinic will provide much-needed, free healthcare services to our local community.”

“The Albanese Government is taking a crucial step forward in improving local healthcare and reducing wait times in our local hospital emergency rooms.”