Media Release by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

Services Australia and NDIA celebrate 100 co-located sites across Australia

The Australian Government’s commitment to making government services easy to access has seen Services Australia and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) join forces in more than 100 locations across the country.

The Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Government Services Bill Shorten visited the Marion Service Centre today where locals can access Services Australia and NDIA services in one place.

“We all want government services that are simple and helpful,” Minister Shorten said.

“Marion is a wonderful example, and I’m so pleased to celebrate the important milestone of 100 Australian communities benefiting from Services Australia and NDIA in one place.

“It’s simpler for Australians seeking government assistance to be able to do so in one convenient location.

“The reality is, some people have complex challenges. Our goal is to make it easier for them to get support.

“Here at Marion, and in a hundred sites around Australia, a customer can get help with their income support payment, like Disability Support Pension or Carer Payment, and at the same time receive advice about NDIS.

“Customers can do their business with both agencies more quickly and conveniently.

“Designing services around customers’ needs is our priority, and we’re always looking for ways to enhance government’s service offer.

“We’ll continue to roll this model out nationally, delivering government services that are focused on people’s needs and convenience, so people can focus on the things that matter most to them.”

Services Australia customers and NDIS participants can find their nearest service centre at or