Media Release by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

One million people now using the myGov app

The new myGov app has hit its first major milestone, with more than one million Australians downloading and using the app in three months. 

The app was launched in December 2022 and is making life easier for Australians to access government services like Medicare, Centrelink and the ATO. 

Minister for Government Services the Hon. Bill Shorten MP has welcomed the significant milestone.

“An average of almost one million people sign in to myGov each day and more than 10,000 Australians are downloading it each week day. 

“About 60 per cent of all visits to myGov are made using a mobile device, so I’m pleased we have been able to offer the convenience and benefits of the myGov app,” Minister Shorten said.

“In fact, 100,000 daily sign ins to myGov are currently made using the app—this is fantastic after such a relatively short time and paves the way for future growth.”

Minister Shorten encouraged more people to download and try the myGov app, which has been designed as a more simple, secure and convenient way to access government services on your mobile device.

“Once people download and link the app to their existing myGov account, it’s simpler to sign in—they can choose to sign in using a six digit PIN, or fingerprint or face verification,” Minister Shorten said. 

“From there, it’s quick and easy to check messages in your myGov Inbox. In fact, we have found people are almost twice as likely to read their inbox messages while using the app.

“You can also use the myGov app wallet to store government-issued cards and documents. This currently includes Centrelink concession and health care cards, and your International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate. 

“Soon, you’ll also be able to add your Medicare card to your myGov wallet and, as I’ve announced, NSW residents will be able to add their digital driver licence later this year as the wallet is expanded to include these important identity credentials.”

Minister Shorten confirmed that new features and services will continue to be added to the myGov app over time.

“myGov is at the start of a significant evolutionary journey to deliver simple and secure access to government services, shaped around the needs and preferences of the people who use it,” Minister Shorten said.

More information on the myGov app is available at including direct links to the app in the App Store and Google Play.