Media Release by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

Continued COVID supports for NDIS participants

Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the Hon. Bill Shorten, wants to assure participants they will continue to be supported with proportionate and targeted measures that reflect the significant health risks many people with disability continue to face due to COVID-19.

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has updated its COVID-19 measures to ensure participants and providers continue to be supported.

Among the updated temporary measures is the ability for eligible participants to use their NDIS plan funding to purchase a device such as a portable air purifier. This aims to help improve the air quality within key living areas of their home if required, to ensure they can continue to safely receive their disability-related supports at home.

“The Albanese Government will remain vigilant in ensuring the safety of Australians who are more vulnerable to the health impacts of COVID-19,” Minister Shorten said.

“Staying up-to-date with COVID-19 vaccinations also continues to be the best way that people with disability can help protect themselves from serious illness and death.

“The NDIA is continuing to support NDIS providers to facilitate community access to vaccination and Commonwealth in-reach arrangements also remain in place for those in residential settings who cannot access community channels.

“Ventilation and circulation of good quality air is also critical to lowering risk. People with better air quality enjoy better health and fare better.”

The COVID-19 updated measures include:

  • The inclusion of portable air purifiers as part of flexible low-cost Assistive Technology for eligible participants at particular risk from COVID-19.
  • The extension of workforce support arrangements (to 31 January 2023) to provide additional cover over the Christmas and New Year period; and
  • Changes to support measures for Supported Independent Living providers, with claims for additional supports moving from $1,200 per participant per day to $1,200 per household per day where a participant is required to self-isolate or quarantine.

“These new measures align with the easing of mandatory isolation requirements across Australia from 14 October. They will help ensure the ongoing health and wellbeing of NDIS participants and the workers that support them.” Minister Shorten said.

More information on the updated COVID-19 measures are available on the NDIS website.