Media Release by The Hon Bill Shorten MP

Specialist Disability Accommodation Pricing Review Launched

A review of Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) pricing has today been launched to cement the future of quality, innovative housing for eligible National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants – with the Terms of Reference now available.

The SDA Pricing Review will evaluate the impact of current SDA prices on supply and demand and set new SDA prices to guide market investment to areas that will most benefit people with disability that need SDA housing over the next five years. 

The outcomes of the SDA Pricing Review will take into account any early findings of the broader NDIS Review, which will be announced soon.

The broader review will be designed to deliver on the election commitment to improve the NDIS design, operation and sustainability as well as build a more responsive and supportive market and workforce to improve the effectiveness of the scheme.

Minister for the NDIS, the Hon. Bill Shorten, said the findings would outline a direction for the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to steward the SDA market, and better support providers to build quality housing for participants in locations where it is needed, when it is needed. 

“The SDA Pricing Review is about making sure eligible participants receive the supports they need,” Minister Shorten said.

“We will listen to participants, providers and industry to inform SDA pricing and deliver the best possible outcomes for people with disability.

“The SDA Pricing Review will ensure pricing accurately reflects what is needed for investment to support NDIS participants into the future.”

A decade of Liberal neglect for the NDIS has led to lack of clarity for eligible participants who need SDA. The SDA Review was delayed due to the Federal Election, and the Albanese Government wants to ensure it progresses as planned.

An Expert Panel will be appointed to oversee the SDA Review and ensure the process is comprehensive, fair and transparent and strengthens the voice of people with disability in pricing.

Outcomes of the SDA Price Review will be implemented on 1 July 2023. Final decisions about any changes to the SDA pricing methodology are expected to be released in May 2023. 

SDA is one of the supports that may be funded under the NDIS. SDA funding is provided to participants who require a specialist dwelling that reduces their need for person-to-person supports, or improves the efficiency of the delivery of person-to-person supports. 

Participants who meet the eligibility criteria will have an extreme functional impairment and/or very high support needs.

As at 30 June 2022, a total of 19,358 participants in 7,086 dwellings were receiving SDA supports funded through their NDIS plans. In total, $271 million was spent from participant plans on SDA supports over the 12 months to 30 June 2022.