Media Release by The Hon Julie Collins MP

Housing and Homelessness Ministers meet for first Ministerial Council

The first Housing and Homelessness Ministerial Council (Ministerial Council) was held in Sydney on 6 December following its re-establishment by National Cabinet on 30 September 2022.

The Ministerial Council considered governance arrangements and key priorities to address housing and homelessness challenges across Australia. The Ministerial Council continues to build on the work undertaken in the two meetings held over the last six months. The Ministerial Council discussed matters including:

  • increasing housing supply, including social and affordable housing, through implementation of the National Housing Accord (Accord), the Housing Australia Future Fund, and initiatives delivered by State and Territory Governments;
  • working towards developing the National Housing and Homelessness Plan (Plan);
  • building an improved evidence base through development of data sharing mechanisms and improvements; and
  • future housing and homelessness arrangements between the Commonwealth and states and territories.

New South Wales advised on joint work with the Commonwealth and Victoria to develop a data sharing and use protocol to allow sharing of housing data. The Ministerial Council agreed to continue working towards identifying opportunities for data sharing and improvement, particularly to complement data initiatives currently underway. It was agreed recommendations on data sharing be considered at the next meeting with a view to commence data sharing in 2023.

Jurisdictions provided updates on the current landscape and recent housing and homelessness initiatives they have progressed. The Commonwealth outlined progress, including forthcoming legislation to implement its reform agenda. State and Territory Ministers were appreciative of the update and look forward to receiving more detail as the legislation progresses.

All jurisdictions committed to working together to accelerate development of practical, collaborative solutions to improve housing and homelessness outcomes, including through the Accord, the Plan and in conjunction with the new Housing Supply and Affordability Council.

The Ministerial Council is preparing a report and work plan for submission to National Cabinet by the end of January 2023. Ministers agreed the Ministerial Council would meet in person at least twice a year.

Next meeting

Housing and Homelessness Ministers agreed to reconvene in April 2023.