Media Release by The Hon Julie Collins MP

Productivity Commission’s review of the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement

The Albanese Government thanks the Productivity Commission for its final study report into the review of the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (NHHA).
The report finds the NHHA has a number of shortcomings, and notes any future funding arrangements will be an opportunity for governments to work together on a national reform agenda to make housing more affordable. 
This report confirms that the last decade of policy inaction by the former Liberal-National Government has left us with serious housing challenges across the country.
The Albanese Government is committed to bringing national leadership to address these issues, working collaboratively with states and territories, and key stakeholders, to improve housing outcomes for all Australians. 
The report notes that some Australians, particularly those on low incomes, are spending more on housing. Demand for social housing is rising and more people are experiencing homelessness. 
The Albanese Government has an ambitious housing reform agenda to increase supply and improve affordability through the establishment of a National Housing Supply and Affordability Council and the development of a National Housing and Homelessness Plan. 
The findings from this report will help inform the design and implementation of these reforms. We are also taking immediate action to address housing challenges. 
We have brought forward the start of the Regional First Home Guarantee to 1 October, helping up to 10,000 eligible Australians into home ownership. 
We’ve acted quickly by unlocking up to $575 million through the National Housing Infrastructure Facility to invest in social and affordable housing.
This funding will support our commitment to build 30,000 new social and affordable housing properties through the $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund.
The Albanese Government will continue to progress our ambitious housing reform agenda in the upcoming Budget. 
When too many Australians don’t have a safe place to call home, we cannot afford to waste a day.