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Media Release by Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC

Changes to the NDIA Advisory Council

Minister for the NDIS Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC today announced a number of changes to the Independent Advisory Council (IAC) to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), effective 1 January 2022.

Current Deputy Chair and recently appointed NDIA Board member, Ms Leah van Poppel, will replace Ms Robyn Kruk AO as Principal Member, whose term is due to expire. Ms Kruk was initially appointed as the Principal Member of the IAC on 1 July 2020.

“On behalf of the Government I congratulate Ms van Poppel on her appointment, and thank Ms Kruk for her leadership of the IAC over the past 18 months,” Minister Reynolds said.

“Under her stewardship, the IAC has ensured the views of participants, their families and networks have been considered in decisions affecting the implementation and direction of the NDIS.”

Ms Sylvana Mahmic, Ms Jennifer Cullen, Mr James Manders, Ms Liz Reid AM, and Ms Kerry Allan-Zinner have been reappointed for further three-year terms.

Dr George Taleporos has been newly appointed to the IAC for three years.

“Dr Taleporos’ experience as a policy professional and leading advocate for people with disability will further bolster the IAC’s ability to deliver on its commitment to representing the voice of participants in the NDIS,” Minister Reynolds said.

“I would also like to acknowledge Ms Judy Huett, and thank her for her contributions after 4 years as an IAC member.”

“Since commencing as Minister for the NDIS 9 months ago, I have been committed to ensuring the advice of the IAC is a significant contributor to the NDIA Board and Government, and I thank the IAC for their contributions. The depth and breadth of IAC’s formal advice and recommendations this year consistently demonstrated the Council members’ deep knowledge of the Scheme” Minister Reynolds said.

The IAC was formed in 2013 to represent the participants’ voice in the NDIS. Its membership advises the NDIA Board on the most important issues affecting participants, carers and families.