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Media Release by Senator the Hon Anne Ruston

Projects to provide employment and training for CDC participants

Joint Media Release with:

  • Senator Matt O’Sullivan
    Liberal Senator for Western Australia

The Morrison Government will seek proposals for new projects that will provide employment and training opportunities for Cashless Debit Card participants within their communities.

The $10 million Jobs and Infrastructure Initiative open competitive grant opportunity will deliver stage two of the Morrison Government’s $30 million Job Ready Package.

Minister for Families and Social Services Anne Ruston said the grant opportunity would help fund infrastructure projects and other support services that provide Cashless Debit Card participants with training and job opportunities.

“Through this funding round we are responding to the feedback from communities who are seeking to be empowered to create culturally appropriate jobs that will help break the cycle of welfare dependence and support their communities to thrive,” Minister Ruston said.

“This may include work in constructing infrastructure projects, on the job training opportunities as well as projects that will ultimately provide employment through the day-to-day operations of new infrastructure.

“The funding is also available for additional support services that deliver training, provide job readiness skills and connect Cashless Debit Card participants to other supports they may need to help them to move into employment.”

Senator for Western Australia Matt O’Sullivan, who has supported the Minister in consulting communities on the rollout of the initiative, said community leaders within the Cashless Debit Card sites would be invited to support the selection of suitable proposals through the new grant process.

“This process, known as joint decision-making, will provide community leaders the opportunity assist from start to finish – from designing the grant guidelines to participating in the grant selection discussions and providing recommendations on suitable proposals,” Senator O’Sullivan said.

“This approach aims to ensure Government investment meets community need, guided by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and controlled organisations.”

Organisations in the remote regions of Ceduna in South Australia, East Kimberley and the Goldfields in Western Australia, Cape York in Queensland and the Northern Territory, are invited to apply.

The Cashless Debit Card Jobs and Infrastructure Initiative open competitive grant opportunity is expected to open from late July 2022.

This grant opportunity is the second stage of the Government’s $30 million Jobs Fund and job ready package announced at the 2021 Budget, which aims to strengthen local support services and connect Cashless Debit Card participants to training and jobs.

The Government will continue collaborating with communities and stakeholders to identify critical issues and support gaps in Cashless Debit Card communities.

More information about this grant opportunity is available on the Community Grants Hub website at