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Media Release by Senator the Hon Anne Ruston

New Cashless Debit Card Support Hub in Kalgoorlie-Boulder to help participants get on pathways to employment

Joint Media Release with:

  • Rick Wilson MP
    Member for O’Connor


    Senator Matt O’Sullivan
    Liberal Senator for Western Australia

The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder is today opening a Cashless Debit Card Support Hub as part of the Morrison Government’s Jobs Fund and job ready initiative to help participants get on pathways to employment.

Minister for Families and Social Services Anne Ruston said the new Support Hub provides a one-stop-shop for Cashless Debit Card participants to get support and engage with training and pre-employment services.

“The $30 million Jobs Fund and job ready initiative is designed to connect participants and other community members with employment, or pathways to employment, including job readiness programs and related skills,” Minister Ruston said. 

“It’s part of the Morrison Government’s commitment to funding intensive support to assist unemployed Australians with their self-development, health and well-being and career readiness to support their transition to meaningful social and economic participation.

“We will continue to work with communities and their leaders to identify critical issues and ensure support is delivered as needed to help put participants on a pathway to employment.”

The Support Hub in Kalgoorlie is one of four Support Hubs that will be established in the Goldfields region. Other Hubs are being established in the Local Shires of Coolgardie, Laverton and Leonora.

Member for O’Connor Rick Wilson said the Support Hubs would play an important role in helping people in the Goldfields community to address barriers to employment, provide guidance on how to navigate support services and help build self-reliance and financial literacy skills for the future.

“The Hubs will work with the more than 3900 participants in the Goldfields region as well as the broader community to help develop the building blocks for a successful employment journey that are appropriate to each individual’s circumstance,” Mr Wilson said.

Senator for WA Matt O’Sullivan, who led community consultation for the Jobs Fund and job ready initiative, said the Support Hubs responded to feedback that existing support services could be difficult for individuals to navigate.

“We know that people want to work, they want to complete training and get their lives on track but sometimes the barriers can seem insurmountable,” Senator O’Sullivan said.

“By establishing a ‘one-stop-shop’ the Government is ensuring that Cashless Debit Card participants have easy access to a full suite of support services that are available.”

Further information on the Cashless Debit Card is available on the Department of Social Services website.