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Media Release by The Hon Michelle Landry MP

A fair go for kids: National Child Protection Week 2021

Federal Assistant Minister for Children and Families, Michelle Landry, has welcomed the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect’s (NAPCAN) annual National Child Protection Week (5-11 September).

“The theme of this year’s National Child Protection Week is Every child, in every community, needs a fair go,” Assistant Minister Landry said.

“To achieve this goal, we need to make sure that every family in Australia has access to the support that kids need to thrive and be healthy.” 

“On this front, the Australian Government is taking action. We are working in close partnership with the states and territories, and the sector more broadly, to develop the new 10-year National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children.”

The impending new framework will focus on supporting our most vulnerable children, including kids with complex needs, Indigenous children, children with disability who are vulnerable, and those who have been abused or neglected, especially the 46,000 kids and young people in out-of-home care.

Assistant Minister Landry said that National Child Protection Week was an important occasion in the nation’s calendar, and that it was an effective way to spread the message that all of us – families, communities, governments and organisations – have a role to play when it comes to keeping children safe in Australia. 

“Whether it’s celebrating Bravehearts’ White Balloon Day, attending a local fundraiser or simply sharing social media – I encourage all Australians to be a champion for child safety in your community,” Assistant Minister Landry said. 

More details about National Child Protection Week, including links to webinars and useful resources, are available on NAPCAN’s website.