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Media Release by The Hon Michelle Landry MP

Strengthening our communities through Volunteer Grants

The Morrison Government is backing Australia’s volunteers, with up to $20 million in grants now available to support them in local communities across the nation.

Federal Assistant Minister for Children and Families, Michelle Landry, was pleased to announce that the 2021 Volunteer Grants round was currently underway – with combined funding from 2020-21 and 2021-22 making this a double grant round. 

“Small grants like these to local organisations have strengthened our communities for decades, helping to encourage participation in volunteering and equipping these local champions with the tools and resources they need on the ground,” Assistant Minister Landry said.

“Federal Members will be working closely with eligible, not-for-profit community organisations in their electorates to seek expressions of interest. They will make sure that this funding meets local needs.”

Grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 are available under this program, with up to $132,450 in total funding for each electorate.

Interested organisations should look out for expression of interest materials from their local Member, or reach out to their electorate office. 

Each Federal Member, working with a community committee established for this opportunity, is able to nominate organisations to apply for funding in their electorate by 2:00pm (AEST), Thursday 29 April 2021. 

The Department of Social Services (DSS) Community Grants Hub will send an application form to nominated organisations to apply for funding between 20 May and 9 June 2021, with successful applicants expected to be announced in November 2021.

Further information about the Volunteer Grants opportunity is available on the DSS website.