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Media Release by The Hon Michelle Landry MP

Grant round opens for the Intercountry Adoptee and Family Support Service

The Morrison Government is inviting applications for a competitive grant opportunity to deliver the Intercountry Adoptee and Family Support Service (ICAFSS).

The ICAFSS is a free service and offers counselling, information and support to adoptees, including adult adoptees, their families and prospective adoptive parents.

Previously known as the Intercountry Adoption Family Support Service, the program has been renamed and redesigned following an extensive public consultation process with the sector earlier this year.

Announcing the opening of the grant process today, Federal Assistant Minister for Children and Families Michelle Landry said the intercountry adoption community will significantly benefit from the Government’s $4.75 million investment over five years to support the delivery of ICAFSS.

“The new, improved and redesigned ICAFSS will ensure that Australian families engaged in intercountry adoption will have access to nation-wide, adoption-specific counselling, information and education whenever they need it,” Assistant Minister Landry said.

“I strongly encourage intercountry adoption service and support organisations to apply for this grant round”.

This new commitment builds on the Government’s previously committed funding of $5.36 million to deliver the ICAFSS since 2016.

Applications for this grant opportunity close on Friday 13 November 2020. For more information or to apply visit the Community Grants Hub: