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Media Release by The Hon Michelle Landry MP

Right to enjoy childhood focus of National Children’s Week

Assistant Minister for Children and Families Michelle Landry today calls on all Australians to participate in the wide variety of activities planned nationwide for National Children’s Week 2019.

“Every child has the right to enjoy their childhood, and National Children’s Week provides all Australians the opportunity to celebrate and recognise their rights, accomplishments and needs,” Assistant Minister Landry said.

Assistant Minister Landry said that the Morrison Government was committed to ensuring that our nation’s children have the support that they need to be safe, strong and resilient.

“Last year, the Government launched Stronger Places, Stronger People, a $35 million Government initiative that involves collaboration between the whole community, all levels of governments, service providers, investors and other stakeholders to deliver on a locally designed strategy and plan of action to create better outcomes for children, families and communities,” she said.

Earlier this year, the Government also launched the Fourth Action Plan of the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009-2020, which includes a focus on strengthening early intervention support for vulnerable kids.

“By uniting together, we can create more fulfilling and dynamic environments that will help protect our children and ensure they can all play, learn and reach their full potential,” Assistant Minister Landry said.

Children’s Week details are available on the Children’s Week Council of Australia Inc website.