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Media Release by The Hon Stuart Robert MP

Delivering the NDIS: Implementation of reforms for a simpler, faster, fairer and more flexible NDIS

The Morrison Government is on track to deliver significant improvements to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) that make it simpler, faster, fairer and more flexible for participants, and their families and carers.

Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Stuart Robert, today released an Information Paper on the reforms that deliver on the Morrison Government’s commitment to all Australians to make the NDIS experience better and fairer.

Minister Robert said the reforms deliver on the final elements of the Productivity Commission’s original design for the NDIS and are based on recommendations from reviews and inquiries, including the 2019 Independent Review of the NDIS Act by David Tune AO PSM.

‘In November 2019, I announced the road map to deliver the last 20 per cent of the NDIS. These reforms, in addition to the already significant improvements to wait times, deliver on this road map and will set up the NDIS for the future—an NDIS that works for everyone,’ Mr Robert said.

‘The reforms will deliver greater flexibility for participants to spend their plan funding on disability-related supports. More guidance about the boundaries of the NDIS will also be provided, including what should and should not be charged to NDIS plan budgets. The reforms will improve information gathering required for decision making, notably at no cost for participants and those applying to become participants.

‘There is also a focus on improving early intervention for young children, supporting best practice, family-centred approaches that will allow young children and their families to access the support they need earlier.’

Draft legislation to give effect to the reforms will be released for consultation in 2021, ahead of introduction to Parliament, with a view to it coming into effect by mid-2021. The NDIS is now supporting more than 412,000 participants—more than 60,000 are children under the age of seven. People supported by the Scheme will grow to more than 500,000 participants by 2023.

For more information on the NDIS reforms, visit