Media Release by The Hon Stuart Robert MP

446 businesses awarded grants to help build the NDIS provider market across Australia

Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Stuart Robert, today announced that 446 businesses will share in approximately $9 million to help transition to the NDIS. This includes up to $1.36 million to businesses in bushfire affected areas.

The successful businesses will receive Transition Assistance Funding grants of up to $20,000 each through the second round of the Transition Assistance Funding initiative which aims to build deeper markets so NDIS participants have greater choice and control in accessing services where they live.

Transition Assistance Funding can be used by businesses to purchase tailored business advice, software upgrades and other one-on-one support that will help providers enter the NDIS or grow their existing NDIS business.

Today’s announcement builds on the first round of the initiative which last year provided around $5.6 million in grants and sees the total number of business supported via this program to 726 across Australia.

Minister Robert said the Australian Government is committed to building a sustainable NDIS provider market to support the needs of participants now and long into the future.

‘Transition Assistance Funding grants are designed to help businesses transition to the NDIS while also creating more jobs in the disability sector, particularly in regional, rural and remote areas,’ Mr Robert said.

‘This round had a particular focus on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander service providers and providers delivering services to remote locations or other areas where there are NDIS service gaps, known as thin markets.

‘It is vital we support a strong and well-skilled provider market across Australia to deliver the services that NDIS participants need.’

A rigorous process was undertaken to assess how each application met the criteria within the guidelines. All applications were assessed against the eligibility criteria and priority areas outlined for the round.

Transition Assistance Funding grants are delivered under the Boosting the Local Care Workforce initiative. Visit the website at