Media Release by The Hon Stuart Robert MP

Board appointments position NDIS for success

Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Stuart Robert, today announced the Board of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) from 1 January 2020, with nine reappointments and one new member.

Minister Robert said the appointments are a result of wide consultation and careful consideration to specialist skills and will ensure continuity of governance for the NDIS as it moves towards maturity.

‘As we move into the next phase of the NDIS, it is vital we have a strong, experienced and capable Board to lead the delivery of this world-leading scheme,’ Minister Robert said.

‘Helen Nugent will be returning for a second two-year term as Chair of the NDIA Board, from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2021.

Mr Paul O’Sullivan, Ms Robyn Kruk AO, Mr John Langoulant AO, Ms Estelle Pearson, Ms Sandra Birkensleigh, Mr James Minto, Mr Glenn Keys AO and Mr John Walsh AM will be reappointed for further terms.

Two of the Board members reappointed today have been with the Board since the scheme’s inception and have a strong track record in steering the NDIS, which is already benefiting over 310,000 Australians with disability and will grow to 500,000 participants over the next five years.

Professor Jane Burns, currently Mental Health and Wellbeing Innovator at Bupa and Professor of Innovation and Chair of the Centre for Mental Health at Swinburne University, has also been newly appointed to the NDIA Board.

‘The addition of Professor Burns strengthens the research capability of the Board to further improve the long-term outcomes for Australians with disability, in particular, young people with psychosocial disability.

Andrea Staines OAM and Dr Martin Laverty will depart the Board at the conclusion of their current terms. Minister Robert thanked them for their service on the Board. Renewed and newly appointed members will serve on the Board for terms to July or December 2021.