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Media Release by The Hon Jane Prentice MP

More support for people with disability in the workplace

Support for Australians with disability in the workplace is increasing.

The Australian Government today announced an expanded list of independent assessors, available to assess appropriate workplace adjustments for people with disability.

These assessments, provided free of charge, enable people with disability and their employers to access Government funding to pay for reasonable adjustments to a workplace so a person with disability can commence or keep a job.

Assistant Minister for Social Services and Disability Services Jane Prentice said the assessors will exercise expert judgement in making appropriate and accurate workplace assessments for people with disability.

“I encourage all employers of people with disability to access this free service,” Mrs Prentice said.

“We have almost doubled the number of assessment providers from 54 to 93, covering all regions across Australia.”

Mrs Prentice said regions where previously there had been an undersupply would now have full coverage.

“Parts of regional Western Australia, regional South Australia and Northern Territory previously had an undersupply of assessors. People with disability living in these regions can now access this service.

“We are committed to ensuring all Australians with disability and their employers, no matter where they are, have access to this important service.”

The National Panel of Assessors:

  • Provide assessments of the physical environment of a workplace and identify any barriers that a person with disability may experience
  • Analyse specific work tasks and recommend adjustments to ensure any specific needs are met
  • Review any injury-prevention strategies and ensure they are suitable for a person with disability
  • Recommend workplace modifications to ensure a person with disability is able to carry out their job.

The panel will run from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2023.

To find an assessor or for more information go to