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Media Release by The Hon Jane Prentice MP

Creating opportunities for jobseekers with disability

The Turnbull Government is strengthening support for businesses employing people with disability through a range of new initiatives.

Assistant Minster for Social Services and Disability Services Jane Prentice today announced the national roll out of 2018 AccessAbility Day.

“AccessAbility Day connects employers and people with disability to experience a day in the workplace.”

“The AccessAbility Day initiative was piloted in regional and metropolitan locations across Australia last year, with more than 240 employers collectively hosting 440 people with disability in their workplace,” Mrs Prentice said.

Almost 1 in 5 Australians have a disability, however they are still twice as likely to be unemployed compared to people without disability.

“We must do better. Having a job provides a sense of responsibility and self-worth. It helps us connect socially with others, and gives us independence.

“Over the coming months, we will encourage employers to learn more about the services and supports available to help them hire a person with disability.

“Employers will be able to access information, advice and support through the Government’s JobAccess website, and find out how to register for AccessAbility Day.

“Considering a person with disability could lead you to the best person for the job,” Mrs Prentice said.

Today is also the commencement of the Government’s recent reform of Disability Employment Services (DES), with the number of DES providers sites across Australia increasing from 2000 to around 5000.

DES providers will support 2018 AccessAbility Day by matching interested jobseekers with disability in their local area to registered employers.

“I would encourage all employers and jobseekers with disability to get involved in AccessAbility Day by contacting their local DES provider or visiting,” Mrs Prentice said.

AccessAbility Day will run from November 26-30.