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Media Release by The Hon Dan Tehan MP

Tougher No Jab, No Pay rules start 1 July

Parents who don’t vaccinate their children against disease will lose part of their fortnightly family support payment starting 1 July.

Family Tax Benefit Part A payments will be reduced by about $28 a fortnight for each child who does not meet immunisation requirements, under tougher No Jab, No Pay rules.

The change to No Jab, No Pay provides a constant reminder for parents to keep their children’s immunisation up to date.

Immunisation is the safest way to protect children from vaccine-preventable diseases.

Parents who don’t immunise their children are putting their own kids at risk as well as the children of other people.

Since the Turnbull Government introduced No Jab, No Pay in 2016 about 246,000 children and their families have taken action to ensure they meet the immunisation requirements.

The Turnbull Government provided more than $14 million in last year’s Budget for free, catch-up vaccinations for children, young adults and newly arrived refugees.

It also provided $5.5 million over three years to encourage Australian parents and carers to vaccinate their children.

Exemptions apply for children who have medical contraindications or natural immunity and have been assessed by a general practitioner.