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Media Release by The Hon Christian Porter MP

Government provides $160,000 for philanthropic partnerships

The Minister for Social Services, the Hon Christian Porter MP, today announced $160,000 in grants for 24 community organisations. The funding will allow them to showcase their philanthropic partnerships during the inaugural Community and Philanthropy Partnerships Week, 7-13 December 2015.

“Each grant recipient will receive up to $10,000 to showcase their work and highlight their achievements including through film, books or case studies,” Minister Porter said.

“The successful recipients of these grants will celebrate the theme Achieving More Together, acknowledging the great work that community groups and their philanthropic partners do.

“The successful recipients come from communities across Australia and will be an integral part of Community and Philanthropy Partnerships Week, which brings together community and business leaders to help advance Australia’s culture of philanthropy and volunteering.”

The Coalition is investing $650,000 over the next three years for the Community and Philanthropy Partnerships Week. It will be held each December, and delivered by Philanthropy Australia in partnership with the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal.

“As the Deputy Chair of the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership I am pleased to see these great examples of success achieved through community groups and philanthropic organisations working together for the greater good,” Minister Porter said.

“These successes are at the heart of the work of the Partnership, which advises the Government on strategies to foster a culture of philanthropic giving, volunteering and investment in Australia.

“In recent years, levels of philanthropy have dropped. Australia now lags behind other countries, so the Partnership aims to eliminate institutional barriers to giving. It will consider innovative investment models and help build research, education and best practice.

“The Government is on the front foot in supporting a culture of philanthropy and giving in Australia, so I encourage community groups and business organisations to take part in these initiatives.”

For more information on Community and Philanthropy Partnerships Week, including information on the grants, go to For more information on the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership, go to

A full list of successful recipients is provided below.


Project Title




Australian Outward Bound Development Fund Pty Limited

Onwards & Upwards Community Celebration

Celebration event to acknowledge and thank partners; highlight program success stories and provide an opportunity to launch an inaugural 2016 community event



New South Wales

BEST Employment Limited – Inverell Branch

Food with Thought

Celebrating collaborative community garden program with an open day and luncheon



Community Foundation for Albury Wodonga Region Ltd

Eight Ways to Give

Developing materials that highlight and celebrate the achievements and impact of local philanthropic partnerships, encouraging more people to give



Enterprise & Training Company Limited

Getting the Full Story – Measuring impacts of a diverse grass-roots community fund

Researching and profiling the impact of the community grant fund

Coffs Harbour


Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife

Plant a Tree for Me! Day

Celebrating partnerships through participation in activities and recognising collaboration



Landcare NSW Inc.

Landcare Celebrates Vitality and Versatility through VFFF

Recognising the impact of philanthropic support resulting in sustainability



Pets in the Park Inc.

PITP Pilot Outreach Program – Helping the homeless care for their pets

Acknowledging partnerships and launching an outreach service at picnic in park



Riding for the Disabled Association Raymond Terrace & Lower Hunter Centre

Community & Horsepower Developing Abilities

Production of short film to highlight successful partnerships and outcomes

Raymond Terrace



Buderim Foundation Limited

Celebrating the vibrant community spirit of Buderim

Community celebration of partnerships through an Expo and informative publication



Mackay Regional Council for Social Development Ltd

Giving In Our Region

The publication of the booklet celebrating community and philanthropic partnerships



South Australia

Spastic Centres of South Australia Inc.

The Power of Partnerships – A Celebration Event

Showcasing the tangible outcomes for people with a disability, by holding a celebratory event and producing a film



The Adelaide Youth Orchestra Inc.

Adelaide Youth Orchestra Showcases Philanthropic Impact

Production of a short film and booklet to highlight the importance of philanthropic partnerships




Launceston City Mission Inc.

Fostering Better Futures

Open house and celebration event to acknowledge partners and demonstrate the impact of LCM’s programs within the community




Ardoch Youth Foundation Limited

Sunshine Stories

Launch of a short film at a celebration event that will demonstrate the impact of projects and acknowledge partnerships



Association of Neighbourhood Houses & Learning Centres of Vic Inc.

From Little Things Big Things Grow

Profiling the range of successful and diverse projects achieved through partnerships between Neighbourhood Houses and their philanthropic partners through a digital and hard copy publication




Foodbank Victoria Limited

Feeding our Future – A Celebration of Collaboration

A celebration event that acknowledges partnerships and demonstrates impact of supported projects



Merri Creek Management Committee Inc.

Stepping into Print – Philanthropic Support for Engaging the Community and Moving into the Literature

Exploring, celebrating and sharing the outcomes of successful partnerships through a series of innovative round table events

Brunswick East


Ocean Grove Toy Library Inc.

Sharing a World of Play

Community Open Day to and celebrate partnerships

Ocean Grove


St Kilda Mums
(Eureka Mum’s)

Supporting the belief that every baby deserves to be safe

Celebrating success of a newly formed local charity



The Nappy Collective Inc.

Achieving More Collectively

Shared sense of achievement through increased awareness of partnerships and collaboration

South Melbourne


Lorne Community Arts & Culture Foundation

Stronger together – arts inspires a generation

Demonstrating the value of philanthropy through creation of a video profiling successful partnerships



Western Australia

Chapman Valley Men’s Shed Inc.

Lets get real started: The Mens shed with a Shed – Opening Celebration

Celebrating and acknowledging partnerships that supported the establishment the Chapman Valley Men’s shed



Environs Kimberley Inc.

Broome Seagrass Project

Profiling the long term, community environmental sustainability project through presentations on seagrass biology at a celebration of philanthropic and in-kind community partnerships



Northern Territory

Western Desert Nganampa Walytja Palyantjaku Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation


Celebrating successful philanthropic and community partnerships with a live streamed and facilitated panel discussion on Partnerships for Excellence in Indigenous Health

Alice Springs
