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Media Release by The Hon Christian Porter MP

Building stronger communities together with business partnerships

Today marks the start of Community and Philanthropy Partnerships Week, a national celebration of philanthropy.

Minister for Social Services, Christian Porter, said the week brings together community and business leaders from 20-26 November to help advance Australia’s culture of philanthropy and volunteering.

“Business-community partnerships are at the heart of Australia’s giving culture,” the Minister said.

“Thousands of community groups around Australia work each day to help their communities, with support from philanthropic or business partners.

“As recent data in The Giving Australia Report reveals, of the $17.5 billion in business philanthropy in 2015-2016, nearly half – $7.7 billion – went to community partnerships.

“These are incredible figures and show how our businesses and the community sector understand the importance of building this capacity for future growth and success of Australia.

“The Australian Government is proud to support Community and Philanthropy Partnerships Week with a $650,000 investment to promote and encourage philanthropy at the grassroots.

“As part of this funding, 20 community groups will share $160,000 to produce films, books, events and launches to showcase their partnerships in their local community.

“Local champions of philanthropy, volunteering and investment will also have the opportunity to be acknowledged by their local MP with an Australian Government Community Business Partnership Award.”

The week, an initiative of the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership, is delivered by Philanthropy Australia in partnership with the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal.

To see a full list of activities taking place nationally and read more on week go to

For more information on the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership go to