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Media Release by Senator the Hon Zed Seselja

Multicultural Australia: United, Strong, Successful

Joint Media Release with:

  • Prime Minister
    The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP

Today the Australian Government reaffirms our commitment to multicultural Australia with the release of the statement Multicultural Australia: United, Strong and Successful.

This statement outlines the strategic direction and priorities for multicultural policy in Australia.

We are a richly diverse nation, and have flourished with waves of migration. This cultural diversity is one of our greatest assets.

Our immigration nation is not defined by race, religion or culture but by our shared values of freedom, democracy, the law and equal opportunity. We reject practices which undermine these shared values.

Multicultural Australia: United, Strong, Successful sets out our vision for embracing diversity while emphasising our unique national identity and the importance of being an integrated and united people.

As a Government, we place the highest priority on the safety and security of all Australians. We will continue to invest in counter-terrorism, strong borders and national security.

Our security provides the foundation for our society remaining free, diverse and harmonious. Maintaining our strengths of security, diversity and freedom is a shared responsibility between governments, organisations and individuals.

The statement recognises that to strengthen our economy we must support the economic and social participation of our new arrivals who bring with them the skills, knowledge, and networks of a diverse workforce.

The Australian Government will continue to help new migrants become self-sufficient, fully contributing members of society.

With this new multicultural statement the Australian Government is sending a clear message: multicultural Australia is about all of us. We celebrate our success as a multicultural nation and we focus not on our differences but on the shared values and freedoms which unite us.

Visit the Department of Social Services web site for more information about the statement.