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Media Release by The Hon Alan Tudge MP

Carer support programmes funding extension

The Assistant Minister for Social Services, Hon Alan Tudge MP, today announced a 12 month grant extension for two programmes delivering carer support services.

Fifty-four organisations funded as part of the Counselling, Support, Information and Advocacy (CSIA) carer support programme will have their grant agreements extended through to 30 June 2017.

Last financial year, over 13,000 carers were assisted through the CSIA programme. Services include informal counselling and emotional support, face-to-face support through drop-in centres, home visits to isolated carers and peer support groups.

Carer services delivered through the Carer Information and Support Service (CISS) will also be funded for a further 12 months to 30 June 2017.

Delivered through carer associations in each state and territory, CISS services answered more than 70,000 calls last financial year, providing advice and information about carer support groups, respite services and carer education and training.

“The announcement provides funding certainty for service providers so they can continue to deliver support to carers,” said Mr Tudge.

“Australia’s 2.7 million carers make a huge contribution to our society, so it’s important that support is available when they need it.”