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Media Release by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

Government provides $275 million funding for settlement services

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social Services, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, today announced the Australian Government’s ongoing commitment for Humanitarian Settlement Services (HSS) until 2017, at a cost of close to $275 million.

The Australian Government has extended the contracts of 15 service providers to continue to deliver HSS around Australia.

“This funding signifies the Government’s continuing support for the delivery of services equipping newly arrived entrants with the skills and knowledge to contribute to the economic and social life of Australia,” Senator Fierravanti-Wells said.

HSS is the Commonwealth’s key programme for the delivery of settlement support services to humanitarian entrants.

“Under these arrangements, service organisations work with new arrivals to assess settlement needs and provide them with a tailored package of services.

“This may include assistance with accommodation and employment, orientation to life in Australia and help with independently accessing services such as English classes, education and health care.

“These services will empower our new arrivals with the skills and confidence to contribute to Australia’s economic and social life, as soon as possible.

“We are committed to providing a world-class settlement service and we are well placed to support our Humanitarian Program.”

A process to procure the services of an additional service provider in the Northern Perth and Western Australia region was advertised on the Government’s procurement website, AusTender, on 30 January 2014 and closed on 25 February 2014.