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Media Release by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

Celebrating 65 years of the People’s Republic of China

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social Services, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, tonight attended a gala banquet in Sydney to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.

“As the Parliamentary Secretary with special responsibility for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services, I was pleased to represent the Prime Minister and have the opportunity to join the Chinese Australian community in celebrating China’s history, traditions and achievements,” Senator Fierravanti-Wells said.

“Hosted by the Australian Council of Chinese Organisations, the 65th anniversary dinner commemorates a significant milestone for one of the most important nations in the world. The year 2014 also marks the 60th anniversary of the Chinese People’s Conference and the 110th anniversary of the birth of Deng Xiaoping, who is regarded as the chief architect of China’s reform.

“These are important events in the lives of Chinese Australians, one of our oldest and most established migrant communities.

“Chinese Australians have made many significant contributions in almost every aspect of our community life, from world-leading work in medicine, to arts, business and politics.”

Senator Fierravanti-Wells said Australia’s bilateral relationship with China continues to grow and is based on a trade relationship valued at more than $150 billion in 2013.

“China is one of our greatest source countries for migrants and overseas students, which means that our connection will become even greater in future years,” Senator Fierravanti-Wells said.

“I am sure that in the coming decades the contribution made by Chinese Australians will continue to benefit our society culturally, socially and economically.

“On behalf of the Prime Minister I thank the Australian Council of Chinese Organisations for its invitation to join you this evening. I congratulate the People’s Republic of China on this important anniversary,” Senator Fierravanti-Wells said.