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Media Release by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

$387,591 for settlement grants to foster the integration of new migrants into the Sydney community

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social Services and Senator for New South Wales, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, today announced the Australian Government’s commitment of $387,591 for three organisations to provide assistance to newly arrived migrants and to foster their full participation in Parramatta and Blacktown.

“The Australian Government is providing this funding, under the Settlement Grants Program, which delivers a range of services to humanitarian entrants, family migrants and dependants of skilled migrants in rural and regional areas,” Senator Fierravanti-Wells said.

The three organisations who will share in the funding include the Iranian Community Organisation which will receive $89,914, the Philippine Australian Community Services Inc. which will receive $75,000 and the Sydney Anglican Home Mission Society Council which will receive $222,677.

“The funding will enable these three organisations to continue to deliver services to newly arrived migrants to assist with their integration into Australian society.

Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells said the Australian Government’s Settlement Grants Program provides funding to organisations to assist humanitarian entrants and migrants to settle in Australia and participate equitably in Australian society as soon as possible after arrival.

“The funding will improve access to local services, build community connections and help new arrivals to settle into their new life. Importantly, this funding assists newly arrived migrants to work towards full independence as well as social participation, economic well-being and becoming a part of the community.”

“The Government’s funding commitment will ensure these three organisations can continue to support new arrivals to settle in our region.”

“Both emerging and established communities foster important connections with the rest of the world and contribute to the prosperity and future of our society,” Senator Fierravanti-Wells said.

“People are free to share their cultures and traditions with an overriding loyalty to Australia and our values as a nation.”

We are committed to a “fair go” for all and will continue to promote social cohesion and community harmony.

“The Australian Government is committed to ensuring that all newly arrived migrants have the opportunity to participate fully in our society with a strong emphasis on responsibilities as well as rights,” Senator Fierravanti-Wells said.

The principles of citizenship remain an overriding loyalty to Australia and its people, a shared belief in our democratic process, respect for rights and liberties of others and a commitment to uphold and obey Australia’s laws.