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Media Release by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

Translating and Interpreting Sector Roundtable

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social Services, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, today invited representatives of the translating and interpreting sector to come together to discuss language services in Australia.

“The Government is committed to access and equity for all Australians and quality language services for non-English speaking Australians is a big part of that,” Senator Fierravanti-Wells said.

“This roundtable discussion, to be held at Parliament House in Canberra on 28 November, will be a starting point for this important work.

“I look forward to receiving feedback and working with the sector to examine services and opportunities.”

Senator Fierravanti-Wells, who has special responsibility for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services, said the roundtable would discuss the challenges facing the translating and interpreting sector and consider how industry, stakeholders and Government might improve outcomes.

In particular, she said the roundtable would be a chance to discuss issues including:

  • Key achievements in the translating and interpreting sector
  • Identifying gaps/areas of concern within the sector
  • Opportunities for improvement.

The invitation follows Senator Fierravanti-Wells announcement to hold a roundtable at the International Conference on Community Translation held at the University of Western Sydney on 12 September 2014.

Those wishing to register their interest in attending the roundtable should email or call 1800 657 569.

People who are unable to attend may provide a written submission. The template is available at . Submissions are due by COB Monday 8 December 2014.
