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Media Release by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

Orange glow for Harmony Day

When people across Australia gaze into the night sky this Saturday they might see an orange glow from some of most iconic landmarks as part of Harmony Day.

A number of important sites across Australia – including Federation Square in Melbourne, Adelaide’s Rundle Lantern and Old Parliament House in Canberra – are joining this year’s celebrations as part of the Lights Up initiative.

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social Services with special responsibility for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, said it was great to see iconic structures mark the 15th anniversary of Harmony Day.

“Orange has been the Harmony Day colour since the celebration was established by the Howard Government in 1999 as it relates to open conversation, the development of new ideas and respect of others,” Senator Fierravanti-Wells said.

“It’s wonderful that a number of landmarks have again come on board to light up in orange and help celebrate what Harmony Day is all about – sharing the message that everyone belongs.

“The great news is that Australians express a sense of belonging almost unanimously.

“I want to thank all of the venues that are involved in Lights Up this year and I encourage everyone to also show their support by wearing orange this Saturday.”

Participating landmarks are:

  • Adelaide: Rundle Lantern, Adelaide Oval, Art Gallery of South Australia
  • Melbourne: Federation Square
  • Brisbane: Treasury Casino
  • Canberra: Old Parliament House, Questacon, National Museum of Australia, Telstra Tower, Royal Australian Mint
  • Hobart: Hobart City Council
  • Perth: Perth City Council.

Share your Lights Up pictures with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by using #harmonyday.

You can also find out about 2015 Harmony Day events happening in your area by visiting